What is an Investment Property Program?

An Investment Property Program is a traditional real estate investment bought with the intent of making money, usually in the form of a one- to four-unit residential home.

Investment properties will have a higher mortgage, more adherent lending standards, and higher down payments than the standard property loan. Additionally, investment property comes with a number of factors that should be considered, including increased maintenance costs and upkeep. If you are looking to invest in a new home, call the Score Team today at (314) 279-8432 to learn more about the Investment Property Program.

Who is eligible for property investing?

When looking at a property to invest in, you’ll need a down payment of at least 15%-20% to qualify for financing on a single-family home, based upon the size. Depending on your credit, you may qualify for the lower 15% down amount (for a 1-unit property). Rental property loans for multifamily homes will require a 25% down payment.

Benefits and Features of Investment Property Program

  • Extra income

    With an investment property, you can gain additional consistent income, especially from long-term tenants. Plus, the value of your property could rise enough to allow selling and making a profit.

  • Tax breaks

    With a rental property, you may enjoy some tax deductions on property taxes and mortgage interest, as well as on the expenses of repairs, insurance, marketing and advertising.

  • Equity

    If you pay down your mortgage from the rental income accrued, you could, in turn, build equity in your property.

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